**************************************************************************** DESO-Clock 3.0e Readme-file **************************************************************************** First of all, please excuse my poor english !!! Please terminate all running Visual-Basic-Applications, before you start the installation. Use a different path if you already have DESO-Clock Version 1.0 or Version 2.0. After the successful installation of version 3, delete the old version. Put a copy of the DESO-Clock-Icon in to the Autostart-group using drag and drop. New Features in Version 3.0: - include up to 9 programs (incl. parameter!) - Own titlebar and systemmenu - Run away from mouse - Use any font for the different displays - Choose backgroundcolor - Choose Time- and Dateformat - new Calendar (needs no additional VBX !) - more Options (with 3D-effect) - Direct access for Print setup - Run DESO-Clock as Windows-Shell - New Menu run programs - no longer Banknoteware and lots more... The runtime-library VBRUN300.DLL is not included, because a lot of peoples have this file already and it would take an extra time to download it. You should find the file in your favorite mailbox or in CompuServe. Have fun with Devil-Soft, J.K. ****************************************************************************